隐私政策| 博天堂官方-博天堂官方



林本顿社区学院 ("林本顿社区学院", "博天堂官方", "we", "us") is committed to respecting your privacy and recognizes your need for appropriate protection and management of any personally identifiable 信息 (“个人信息”) 你和我们分享. 博天堂官方 has established this 隐私政策 to let you know what 信息 we may collect from you on the publicly available portion of wolaipei.com(“本网站”) and through various other interactions with you, and how we may use and share that 信息. 请花点时间阅读我们的隐私政策条款. 通过使用 the Site and/or providing us 个人信息, you agree to accept the terms of 我们的隐私政策. 如果您不同意本隐私政策的条款,请 不使用本网站或向我们提供任何个人资料. 本隐私政策适用于 to 信息 that we collect on the Site and to 信息 which we may collect by other “offline” means, including, without limitation, sales calls and other business 交易.



个人信息 means any 信息 that may be used to identify an individual, including, but not limited to, a first and last name, a home, business, or other physical 地址、电话号码和电子邮件地址. 我们从以下方面收集个人信息 our Site users and customers only when such 信息 is voluntarily provided to us, including, without limitation, in connection with inquiries about our services through the “Contact Us” page, as part of signing up for our email subscriptions, 或者在您与我们的商业交易过程中. 让我们的内容更 relevant to you, we may also ask for 信息 about your present place of employment, 例如公司名称、规模、行业部门和员工人数.

We also offer an email subscription where you can get 信息 about what is happening 以及我们的教职员工、学生和校友. 你可以订阅 电子邮件,你可以管理你的电子邮件偏好. 如果你成为博天堂官方的学生, we retain the right to email you regarding services that we’re providing to you.


If you provide us with 个人信息, we may retain and use that 信息 for several purposes, including facilitating and otherwise addressing your inquiry, request, subscriptions, or business 交易 and relationship with 博天堂官方. 例如, we may use your 个人信息 in order to respond to your questions or requests 浏览有关博天堂官方的资料. 我们也可能使用个人信息来确保合规性 遵守我们的政策和适用法律.


We may sometimes use other businesses to perform certain services for us, such as 维护网站和我们的电子邮件服务,并处理咨询. 我们可以提供 个人信息 to those businesses when that 信息 is necessary for them 完成要求的交易或履行其职责. 博天堂官方会接受 reasonable steps to ensure that these third-party service providers are obligated 代表博天堂官方保护个人资料. 我们不会出售或分享您的个人信息 与任何无关联的第三方为营销目的提供的信息. 在事件中 that 博天堂官方 or all of its assets are acquired, all of the data collected by 博天堂官方 through the Site and through other means and services provided by 博天堂官方 would be among the 转移资产. 我们保留在特殊情况下披露这些信息的权利 when we have reason to believe that disclosing this 信息 is necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to or interference with (either intentionally or unintentionally) our rights or property, other visitors, 或者其他任何可能受到此类活动伤害的人. 我们也保留权利 to disclose such 信息 when we 相信法律所要求的善意.


From time to time, we may collect general, non-personal, statistical 信息 about the use of the Site, such as from what sites visitors are coming from when they visit our Site, when they first visited our Site, their IP address, how many visitors visit a specific page on the Site, how long they stay on that page and which hyperlinks, 如果有,他们就“点击”. 我们可能会使用IP地址来推断此类信息 访客,包括其公司,城市和州. 我们通过 the use of “cookies” and other tracking technologies, which are discussed in greater 下面详细. 我们收集这些信息是为了确定哪些区域 网站是最受欢迎的,以提高网站的访客. 我们可以把这些信息组合起来 into aggregate visitor data in order to describe the use of the Site to our existing or potential business partners, sponsors, advertisers, or other third parties, or 应政府要求. 不过,请放心,此合计 data will in no way personally identify you or any other visitors to the Site.


Some of our web pages utilize “cookies” and other tracking technologies. 一块饼干 is a small text file that a website transfers to an individual’s web browser and is 存储在设备上. cookie和其他跟踪技术可能会记录信息 such as URL and domain requested, referral URL, Internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser software and operating system types, clickstream patterns, and dates and times 我们的网站被访问. 我们和/或我们的第三方广告服务提供商, may place cookies or similar files on your computer for security purposes (such as authentication), to facilitate site navigation and to personalize your experience 访问我们的网站时. Cookies允许我们收集技术和导航信息, such as browser type, time spent on our Site and pages visited (these types of cookies 通常称为“会话cookie”)。. 我们也使用cookie使我们 to serve advertisements of our products and services, including special offers, when you visit other websites (these cookies may be referred to as “Advertising Cookies”).

We do not obtain, store or maintain any 个人信息 about you through our cookie(会话cookie或广告cookie)的使用. 我们也会 not link the 信息 we store in cookies to any 个人信息 you may submit 浏览本网站时. 但是,我们保留使用IP地址和其他跟踪的权利 technologies to identify a visitor only when we feel it is necessary to enforce compliance with the Site’s policies, to protect the Site, our customers, or others, or when we 相信法律所要求的善意.

You may set most browsers to notify you if you receive a cookie, or you may choose 用您的浏览器阻止cookies. 但是,请注意,某些功能的 the Site may not function properly or may be slower if you refuse cookies. 你可以 了解更多关于“不跟踪”选项,请访问 “请勿追踪”网站.

If you have any questions regarding 林本顿社区学院’s privacy practices, 我们鼓励您通过以下方式与我们联系 webhelpdesk@wolaipei.com.